Academic Air-wareness Balloon Contest

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Academic Air-wareness logoAcademic Air-wareness Balloon Contest
AA Cards Academic Air-wareness™ is a balloon contest created to raise awareness for academic issues and needs that are present across American schools.  Through its contest awarding, Academic Air-wareness restores communal hope for help and provides individual financial assistance for growing school expenses, which many school-age children face, but cannot afford.

Here Is How It Works:
AA Balloon Balloon Launch Day - Participants with age ranges from kindergarten to high school donate $1 per entry card.  Each participant’s first name only (security measure) is written on front of the entrant’s card along with a corresponding identification number and reporting instructions for those who find the card and/or deflated balloon.  The back of the card bears an insightful statistic chosen for its relativity to American academic issues/needs, especially in this time of recession.  After all entry cards are gathered, affixed to helium-filled balloons and given to contestants, a countdown will ensue for all balloons to be launched into the air simultaneously for their unchartered journeys.

AA Tracking Map Balloon Tracking - The contest spans 45 days with tracking of reported balloons.  Once a balloon is found and reported, the entrant’s identification number is updated on the map spot of the official watch map for Academic Air-wareness™ on LAF Productions, Inc.’s website.  The entrant’s balloon which travels the furthest distance and is officially reported wins!

AA Public Relations Announcement of Winners - Contest winners are announced and checks are presented.

Contestant Prizes:

Grand Prize: $1,500 to entrant’s school; $150 American Express Gift Card for entrant plus name & picture on website/media
Second Place: $750 to entrant’s school; $75 American Express Gift Card for entrant
Third Place: $250 to entrant’s school; $50 American Express Gift Card for entrant

Participating Finders Who Report A Balloon:

$10 American Express Thank You Card

Sponsorship Registration (form download or secure online payment):

Sponsorship Commitment Form - if you were not mailed a sponsorship package and would like to become a sponsor, click the previous link to download the form and return it by fax or mail.  Thanks.

Sponsor Academic Air-wareness

Partnership School Districts:

Little Rock School District (LRSD)

Buy A Contestant Balloon Now:
Academic Air-wareness™ Contest BalloonAcademic Air-wareness™ Contest Balloon

Academic Air-wareness Tracking Maps

Click your state below to view tracking results:

Academic Air-wareness Online Balloon Reporting/Tracking Form

If you have found a balloon and card from our contest, please enter the contestant's name and number in addition to your information below.  Thanks for your participation.

Enter contest and fill out contestant card   Attach card to balloon and launch   Track results of balloon findings   Announcement of winners

Questions • Verify • Receipt

Contestant Number

Contestant Name

City and State of Balloon Finding

Your First Name

Your Last Name

Mailing Address



Zip Code

Daytime Phone

Mobile Phone (optional)

Email Address (optional)

Re-enter Email Address

Tell us how you found the card/balloon

Academic Air-wareness logo

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-Myra Janco Daniels

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